Happy New YearHope you all had a great New Year's celebration and aren't suffering too much from the after effects. For myself, I'm getting old. I had some pizza and a couple of beers and fell asleep on the couch waiting for the ball to drop. I think this is the first time in my life I didn't make it to midnight. On the plus side, I'm starting the new year without a hangover and that's certainly a welcome change.
This blog has morphed over the years, especially over 07, from a crusade against the war on some drugs into a personal hideaway where you my dear friends and readers still thankfully come to visit. That's not to say, I've given up the fight, I just took it to a new battleground, into the world of poli-blogs. I think it was the right decision.
The drug war specialists, like
Loretta, and
thehim and of course the bigger orgs, like
MPP and
DPA are doing such a great job of focusing the talking points and collecting the news that I started feeling a little superfluous in the niche, so I made it my mission to bring the message to a wider audience that wasn't hearing it. Funny thing, along the way, I discovered that non-consumers aren't so hostile to our goals anymore. I'd like to think I had a little something to do with that, by choosing the path I did.
In any event, we still have a long way to go to convince the political elites to make common sense drug policy a reality and I'm still very much in this fight. Thanks to all the full time reformers for all you do to make my job easier on this side of the fence. With five blogs, I don't make it into your comment sections very often, actually not at all, but you're always on my mind and will forever have my gratitude.
For those of you who just come here more for the gossip about my life, I cherish you just as much for keeping me company in this sometimes lonely place. Thanks for the comfort and comments of support. There's no way I can fully express how much you all mean to me.
Wishing you all a very happy, peaceful and prosperous New Year.