I just got my first cell phone. My family put me on their family plan and got me a cute little camera phone and everything. I've had it for a week and half. I've managed to charge the battery and turn it on and off. I've been reading the quick reference to learn the buttons and figure out the functions. I think I could probably make a call if I had to but I wouldn't bet the farm on it if I didn't have the book with me. It's a complicated little unit and it appears it can store an substantial amount of information. So this story particularly resonated with me this week.
FRAMINGHAM -- Fearing their wireless freedom may be in jeopardy, students at Framingham High School were fuming over a new school policy that allows administrators to seize cell phones and search their contents. ...School officials "reserve the right to look through the cell phone," when they suspect a student has drugs or stolen goods, according to Principal Michael Welch.The students, of course, rightfully consider it an outrageous invasion of privacy. It is. Unfortunately, under the insanity known as the war on some drugs, it's not against the law. I've said this often, but bears repeating.
If you treat teenagers with disrespect for their rights and their privacy, they will not grow up respecting authority. And these strong arm tactics don't make them safer nor will it prevent teen drug use. Rebellious teens are going to live down to expectations. If they're going to automatically be treated as guilty, when they're innocent, they're more likely to then do something to deserve it.
[hat tip Tim Meehan] [graphic gratitude]
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