JRR Tolkien
I love that Norma Sapp and I have managed to stay in contact since we met at the DPA conference. I think she is one of the bravest women I know and what she is accomplishing in such a right wing state as Oklahoma is astounding.
One of her biggest recent coups was booking Howard Wooldridge for a speaking engagement in front of the Oklahoma Conservative Political Action Committee. Not an easy sell I'm sure.
She's also pitching this resolution to her local city council.
Whereas, cannabis has been shown to alleviate pain and discomfort in people suffering from a variety of illnesses including AIDS, Cancer, Glaucoma, Multiple Sclerosis and other chronic illnesses, and
Whereas, the use of cannabis is presently unlawful, further subjecting citizens with debilitating illnesses to potential arrest and prosecution, and
Whereas, the city of Norman wishes to declare its desire not to expend City resources in any investigation, detention, arrest or prosecution arising out of alleged violations of state and federal law regarding the use of cannabis for medical use, be it
Resolved: That the Mayor and City Council hereby declare that it shall be the policy of the city of Norman that the investigation and arrest of persons who use cannabis for chronic illnesses be of lowest priority; and be it further
Resolved : That, the mayor and City Council call upon the District Attorney to cease prosecution of persons involved in the medical use of cannabis.
Her presentation was bumped at the last meeting, lost in the morass of pothole and bridge concerns, but she is not one to give up. She sent me a great quote that kind of sums up the struggle, author unknown.
"Today's mighty Oak is just yesterday's nut that held it's ground".
Or in other words, if you don't fight, you can't win.
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