I'm watching the Legalize Marijuana program. It's pretty irritating so far, although Keith Stroup is making some good points when they let him speak. The phones are ringing off the hook and they just gave at least three minutes to some woman who sounded like she was making up a story about being addicted to marijuana in order to hear herself on air.
The air time is heavy on the prohibition side. I sent them three scathing emails already. To their credit, they have a respectable cannabis consumer on now, but Lynn is clearly not as friendly and they gave her less time. The smug and misinformed DA from NJ definitely got way too much. He and his strident Coulter clone sidekick could use a couple of hits on a joint and a reality check. Everything she's harping about in terms of health effects applies to tobacco as well, if not more so.
It's over now and I have to say overall, it was better balanced than I expected it to be but still infuriatingly disinforming to the general viewing audience.
In the way of all moderators, Lynn used voice inflection and body language to imply credibility and the scope of her questions showed a transparent bias, yet Keith Stroup, who showed his usual impeccable class and remarkable restraint, rose above it as always and got the best sound bite of the night. I'm paraphrasing a little,
I'm 60 years old and a responsible citizen. If I want to relax at night and smoke a joint at home with my wife, I should be able to do it without being treated like a criminal.
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