Hate mail that is. I'm not sure what exactly I said that set him off, but Jed Babbin is apparently not a fan.
Dear Ms. Spencer: Balderdash. Mr. Bush is a leader, an intellect, and a better person than any Dem you'd care to name. As to the UN farce, I invite you to read my forthcoming book on it, because you are obviously uninformed in a comprehensive manner. I would like to know, specifically, just what Mr. Bush could have done to get the support of the UN, other than leave Saddam in place.
You may yet get to enjoy a Kerry presidency. It will cost this nation more than just peace of mind.
Cordially, Jed Babbin.
I do call George names like fearless misleader sometimes, but I don't recall ever mentioning Bush's relationship to the UN nor disparaging his character, but I was on a roll in the last week and posted so many comments and LTEs that I suppose I could have. I have to wonder if this is the real Jed Babbin, war blogger and former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense in the first Bush administration.
In any event I sent him this response.
Dear Mr. Babbin:
I could not disagree more. While I believe he is probably as good person as any of us underneath the deceitful life he is currently leading, he has been a misleader, he is apparently disinterested in using any intellect for the common good, and I can name a legion of American citizens from any party you care to name that have behaved with more honesty and integrity than Mr. Bush has while in office.
But that's the beauty of America. So far, we're still allowed to disagree, and to voice our personal opinions.
yours in peace,
As usual, I had the last word. Mr. Babbin has not responded.
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