Lost another friend

He was an odd guy. Really big and tall and sort of goofy in a "not the brightest bulb in the lamp" kind of way. I sometimes wondered if he was slightly retarded. But he was very good natured and the joy on his face when he was allowed to sit in on a jam session with some band and play his harmonica just lit up the whole room.
He broke my finger once, by accidently slamming it in a car door. He was practically sobbing in the parking lot over it and for months later he could never look me in the eye. I guess he felt guilty even though it was clearly just a silly mistake. I can't say I'm going to miss him so very much since I haven't even thought about him in a very long time, but he was a good soul without a mean bone in his very large body. There's not enough like him anymore. It's a loss to the world. Rest in peace, Joe.
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