Saturday, February 04, 2006

Unlikely allies becoming commonplace

From the DARE Generation Diary: NYT Defends SSDP From White House Bullying. A few weeks ago the asked the US Dept of Ed for public information, namely simple numbers on how many students have been denied aid under the incorrigible HEA Act. The Department responded with an extortation demand of $4,000 to release the statistics, from a database funded by taxpayers.

SSDP rightly filed suit. Now comes the NYT with a fabulous editorial on SSDP's behalf. as the Times notes, Members of Congress could end the battle by requesting the information on the group's behalf. Beyond that, Congress should reinforce the Freedom of Information law — which was meant to prevent this kind of thing in the first place. Another major news outlet making the connection between our rapidly diminishing civil rights and the war on some drugs. I'm telling you we're making more progress than we think.

In related news, through their relentless lobbying, SSDP also managed to make a dent in the provisions of the horrible HEA. They haven't been able to get it repealed yet but thanks to their efforts, at least some students with youthful convictions prior to their enrollment in college, will be able to retain their aid. Great work kids.


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