Sunday, May 01, 2005

Waiting for the sun

Well I'm not sure why I don't just go home because the weather is falling apart. The promised 80s are never going to happen while I'm here. Of course I've been finding out that the temperature has little to do with the comfort factor here and the wind is down this morning so it's actually warmer than it was yesterday afternoon.

In any event, I booked the room at the hotel so I'll be here for a couple more days and I'm looking forward to being on the oceanfront so I can at least watch the sea crash on the beach from the comfort of my room. I think I'm getting out of here just in time in any event. It appears the "bar car" arrived at the trailer park yesterday and it's starting to get noisy over there.

The trailer is a riot, it's a popup camper and compared to the others it's literally a rolling shack. The wings are tilted and the canopy is bent and strung with Christmas lights including giant red and green balls. They partied hearty well into the night yesterday.

Meanwhile I forgot to tell you my favorite sight from yesterday was the para-surfers. There at least a dozen regular surfer types on the beach this weekend but this was the first time I saw the para-sailers. It looked like fun if you didn't have to get into the freezing cold water to do it. The guys are harnessed into a sort of ram parachute that keeps them up for long periods of time and when they hit the waves they get completely airborne and can do flips and other tricks with them. It was very cool.


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