Sunday, January 09, 2005

Public pays for drug czar lies

I try not to rely on cross posting in consideration of those readers who actually read both my blogs but the baby woke up early and this is an important story that I want to be certain no one misses, so I'm going to cross post this irritating piece about the ONDCP this morning.

The Bush administration is still hard at work deceiving the American public. Having suffered little more than a slap on the wrist for using illegal covert propaganda while promoting their robbery of our senior citizens' pensions with his Medicare drug "reforms", they did the exact same thing again with Office of National Drug Control Policy promotion pieces designed to look like a real news reports. The Government Accountability Office of course censured them but I guess they don't care as long as they don't get into any real trouble. The bad press dies before most people even see it, so essentially they get away with it anyway.

The ONDCP of course has been lying all along in the propaganda pieces they are publicly willing to admit producing and it's not surprising that they resort to such underhanded tactics in an attempt to justify the $40 billion of your hard earned tax dollars they squander annually on this failed war on some drugs - particularly since they shifted their focus from intercepting "hard drugs" to persecuting terminally ill medical marijuana users and pain management doctors.

It just goes to show how badly they have failed when they must spend even more of our money to attempt to fool the public with fake news. But again, since it costs them nothing to lie and they desperately want to protect their hefty salaries and cushy positions as prohibition profiteers, they are willing to knowingly break the law in order to do it, while they call honest pot smokers criminals.

Seems to me they should let all the non-violent drug offenders out and put John Walters, Mark Souder and the rest of their prohibition-pushing liars in jail instead. Maybe then the remainder of Bush's media manipulators would stop lying to us on our dime.

PS: Thanks to Louise for remembering my birthday. It's been so hectic here I lost track of the days. I might have forgotten to celebrate. I'll miss our annual celebration as well Louise and a very happy B-day to you tomorrow as well.


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