Friday, January 07, 2005

Set backs

Well my run of good luck appears to have run out. I had hoped to have my internet installed tomorrow but my schedule fell apart and I'll have to wait another week before I can get back to what passes for normal in my life. I did get water this morning, so it wasn't a complete loss. When I arrived last night they didn't turn it on because I wasn't home and there was a faucet open in the house. They take their water very seriously here.

I had to spend the night anyway because they were coming so early to turn it on. It felt like camping at the beach, using baby wipes to wash with and bottled water to get by. I was feeling like a pretty great traveler though. I had packed all the things I needed right away in all the right places so I able to get comfortable and was even able to make coffee in the morning.

Meanwhile, without regular access my email is out of control and I haven't cruised the blogosphere in days but this little absurdity comes in through the inbox. A judge in Pittsburgh ruled a convicted drug offender who violated his probation must "appear regularly over the next eight weeks wearing a sign telling students about the negative consequences of drugs."

You think he really believes making the guy a laughingstock at the high school is going to have a deterrent effect? To their credit, the school has not yet given permission for the stunt. One hopes they tell the court to rethink the sentence.


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