So on a whim, I answered my invitation to host a Google AdShare Ad. I figured with my hit count they wouldn't bother to answer but they did and they really irritated me for rejecting me on my content. I'm guessing they don't even read the sites but send in some spidery thing and look for trip words instead. My topic being what it is, would be bound to set off the alarm system. I was betting no human being ever read it. This is what they sent me tonight:
Hello Libby,
Thank you for your interest in Google AdSense. After reviewing your application, our program specialists have found that the website currently associated with your account does not comply with our policies. Therefore, we're unable to accept you into Google AdSense at this time.
We did not approve your application for the reasons listed below. If you are able to resolve these issues, please feel free to reply to this email for reconsideration when you have made the changes.
- Drugs or drug paraphernalia
Further detail:
Drugs or drug paraphernalia: Google believes strongly in the freedom of expression and offers broad access to content across the web without censoring search results. However, Google policy does not permit the placement of AdWords ads on sites promoting illicit drugs or drug paraphernalia. We've found your site content currently violates this policy. Please review our policies for a complete list of site content not allowed on web pages.
This offended me because it abridges your right to discuss the problem if the words themselves, apart from their context, are unacceptable. I replied of course.
Dear Google Team:
Thank you for reviewing my site. I am aware of and appreciate your policies however I believe you are mistaken about the content and intent of my blog.
I do not promote nor advocate for the use of drugs and/or paraphernalia. What I advocate is the awareness and acceptance of the fact that drug use (and abuse)exists in society; that it has always existed and that no amount of punitive legislation, interdiction nor ecologically unsound eradication efforts will solve this problem. My site addresses the need to change policies and practices that are currently endangering the planet and the safety of future generations.
Last One Speaks addresses the abject failure of the War on Drugs to eliminate the dangers of the black market and also focuses on how its excesses impact our civil rights and national treasury. Our current policies cost the US taxpayer 40 billion dollars a year, have contributed to an unprecedented and unwarranted rise in the incarceration rate -(the US is currently the biggest jailer on the planet)- and with 1 out of 3 black men in America in jail, it is shredding the family structure of an entire ethnic class, (notably an economically disadvantaged one) and destroying the foundation of civil society.
My blog proposes a practical solution to failed, taxpayer-funded government programs that currently cause more harm than good. I'm making a political statement about a controversial issue but I am certainly not enlisting others into any illegal activity. I am trying to help them out of it.
Thus I believe my site was rejected under an incorrect criteria and respectfully request to be listed as rejected on other grounds.
Thank you for your consideration in advance.
I don't think it will sway their decision, but I hope it makes them think.