A Day at the Park
It's a slushy mess out there right now, but last week when it was nice I discovered I could walk to this park in ten minutes. It's the best walking park in town. It's not that it's so pretty, but it has measured trails and enough people use it so it feels safe to walk it alone. I especially like the bridges like this:

And the little river it crosses. It's rare around here to see water clear enough that you can see through it. I'm told it's different in the mountains, but in the towns the waters are often brown and mucky looking.

Not sure if this will dry up in the summer but I hope not because it makes a cheery sound that reminds me of the brooks up north that I loved so much. There's even a little waterfall in this one, but I couldn't get a photo because the banks are too overgrown. Of course if the brook disappears I suppose I could amuse myself with the equipment.

There's a lot of stations on the trail like this. I love that they give instructions on how to use it too. Probably never use this one myself. Looks like a recipe for bursitis. (As always, click on the pictures to enlarge them. They look better big.)