Thursday, August 25, 2005

Heavenly Blues

The spider thing seems to have resolved itself without my intervention. I came home tonight and saw no sign of my brown recluse unless that new little spider sarcophagus is her. Back to the comfortable Daddy Long Legs and my spider under the broken leaf cabana. I have to break up some webs, it's getting crazy out on the screen porch, but I won't disturb that one even though it's in an inconvenient place.

Meanwhile, the morning glories are finally taking off. The big ball where all the vines converge sprouted six flowers this morning and they were still there when I got home. My only gardening success this year - besides the planter which recovered from the deer browsing. It looks great from the living room, exactly as I had envisioned it. That happens so rarely - it's cheering with the light turning already. Twilight comes at 8:00 here now.

Three squawking flocks of geese were flying south tonight. I couldn't see them through the trees but they raised an incredible racket as they were flying past. It's almost Labor Day. Where did the summer go?


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