Wednesday, December 01, 2004

National Review does and Walters (sort of) doesn't comment on Raich

You have to wonder what's it's like to be John Walters. Does he wake in the morning and look in the mirror and think, "Hey, another day to get out there and lie to America." I mean that's what he does, day after day. This CNN appearance is no different. After telling the host it was inappropriate for him to comment on the Raich case, he went on to expound on the legalization movement, trying to form a nexus between the two, as if Raich has anything to do with it. Read it for yourself. The MMJ commentary is at the bottom but the rest of the transcript, where he expounds on alcohol abuse and teen age drug use is worth reading in full if you stomach the disinformation.

On the sane side, The National Review has an excellent piece on the interstate commerce aspects of Raich which, with due respect to Angel's suffering, really are the more important. As Jon Adler concludes.

Despite its apparent importance to drug warriors, Ashcroft v. Raich is not about medical marijuana or drug prohibition. Nor is it about the wisdom, or lack thereof, of allowing chronically ill individuals to smoke weed for medicinal purposes. Rather, it concerns the limits of federal power under the Constitution. Federalism does not play favorites. It limits the scope of federal power to pursue liberal and conservative ends alike. If a majority of the Court remembers this lesson, Angel Raich will get to keep her medicine. More important, the nation will keep the constitutional limits on federal power.


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