Thanks to Ben Masel for sending this item in, hot off the Turkish press. With absolutely no fanfare, herbicidal spraying of opium poppies has started in Afghanistan. And as in Colombia, the criminally negligent delivery of the poison is covering not just poppies, but also food crops and people.
Karzai's newly installed US puppet government is claiming no knowledge of who the perpetrators might be. It's clear it's not him. Afghanistan can't afford the proverbial pot to pee in, so it's unlikely the reported unidentified foreign airplane that delivered the payloads belonged to his government. The US - in spite of the fact that we control the airspace, are maintaining a military presence there and Bush just declared war on Afghani heroin - deny any responsibility.
The evidence that the herbicidal bombing occurred is irrefutable. The surfactant still covers the ground and food crops are dying along with the poppies. There's been a huge increase of skin, eye and respiratory problems reported at the local medical center. The real crime (which I doubt will ever be prosecuted) is that inflicting such injury on the indigenous peasants is not only cruel, it accomplishes nothing to solve the problem of the heroin trade. As the article states:
Foreign aid workers said eradication drives such as crop spraying were only likely to drive opium prices higher by lowering yields -- putting more money in the hands of dealers and traders and hitting impoverished farmers at the bottom of the chain the hardest.
We'll be awaiting the results of the Afghani government soil tests with great interest. This incident has Monsanto written all over it. How simple a way is this to test a new version of Roundup, under the radar of public scrutiny? I won't be surprised to learn it's an unknown formula.
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