Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Life as a road trip

I discovered this link in the referral logs today. Thanks to WeBeHigh for including me in a section called Blogs - Other Important Links. They say I have 76 pages, 191 links found.

I've never managed to learn how to track these things myself, but I like that I have that many links to a group of real travelers (as opposed to tourists). The main site bills itself as an online marijuana travel guide with marijuana prices & information around the world. They appear to live up to the billing. The city guide is impressive and they solicit reports.

Meanwhile, Pete Guither is commuting between blogs and is doing a guest stint at The Agitator. Radley Balko is apparently on the road and has assembled a great group to carry on at his excellent blog. Now that Pete's there, I'll remember to check in more often. And not to worry, Pete will be keeping up at Drug WarRant as well. Check out his roundup of opinions on the Raich v. Ashcroft hearing.

There's a lot of predictions flying around on the outcome which won't be known for weeks. I'm not making one except that I think the decision will be split. I'm hoping the court will recognize the danger in overturning precedent that limits the feds ability to interfere in state sovereignty but I'm not counting on it.


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