The New DigsSo I'm moving a small load that fits in the back seat of my car every day. They're really light loads, but still I'm already tired from three days in a row of hauling stuff up the stairs. I'll be really glad when it's over. On the bright side though, I don't have much stuff. The place is already looking much emptier here and I'll be able to throw out some of these musty old boxes before I even move.
Yesterday was another beautiful day. I got there a little late in the afternoon, so the light wasn't the best for taking photos, but here's a shot of the apartment as seen from the old cemetery.

The two windows on the right are mine. As you can see, my new house isn't a beautiful old Victorian, but I swear it looks bigger inside every time I drop off a load. I've barely cracked the space with all the stuff I already brought over. I had to ditch most of the pictures I took yesterday because the contrast was too much, but here's a shot of the view from my window, even though I took it from the street.

It's a Jewish synagogue so no bells on Sunday mornings, but come to think of it, I haven't heard bells on Sundays since I moved here. Maybe none of the churches do it. I mean there really are something like 347 churches in this town. You would think the din at the 10:00 services would be deafening. Maybe it will be different downtown.
For sure the neighbors are different. I met the older couple downstairs yesterday. Margie and Jack. Very nice people. Friendly and funny. And I walked around the yard. Saw two mourning doves in the back and in the front yard there's a big, really old rose bush with a bird nest in it. There was a mockingbird in there, just looking at me. Seemed almost tame. Thought I would have been able to get a picture, but that was when Margie came out to say hi, so I missed the shot. Thinking I'll get another chance.
So I'm hating the moving part, but looking forward to living inside the city. I think I may have finally found my new lovely downtown Northampton. Here's hoping...