Much better
Regular readers will remember the horror show that was the first laundramat I found in this town. As you can see, I fared much better on the second try. Just driving up I could see this was going to be a win. No glass in the parking lot and no missing letters on the signage.

When I walked in, I knew I had found my place. Nice new front loaders that all work and it's much cheaper than the horrible place.

Even has a nice sitting area. With magazines.

And of course, the real selling point, is the pinball machine. Laundry is never going to be fun, but the machine helps pass the time. It's a bit old. The flippers are half-dead, but it's set low so I rolled it over twice on two quarters.

I gave the free games to my little friends.

We let the baby shoot the ball a couple of times. He actually had the best touch for the first shot. Very sweet kids. Polite. He didn't ask me to give him quarters and he thanked me for the games.
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