Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Day at the dentist

After waiting forever, I finally had my dentist's appointment today. It was awful. The tech was nice but she crashed the xray machine into my teeth and lost track of which tooth she was gauging. Not exactly confidence building. And the dentist was not as nice as I was told she was. In fact she was cold and uninterested. I saw her for all of three minutes and she didn't dicuss my options at all. Plus I found out at the end, she farms out everything but the most simple work. The reason I went there in the first place was because it was close to home. I can't get my work done there. It was so disappointing I came home and cried.

Now I have to start from scratch again. I wish John hadn't died before I got the name of the dentist he found in Durham that was fast and not wildly expensive. Maybe I should just go to Mexico and get it done. I've heard that you stay there and get the work done for the same price it costs to get it done here. I could surely use a vacation. I haven't had one in almost three years.


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