Friday, February 02, 2007

Happy Groundhog's Day

I meant to get here earlier but I inadvertently got embroiled in a little blog drama at The Impolitic. It's crazy really that I'm put in a postion to defend a blogger I rarely read and often disagree with, but this is about manners, not about content. But enough of that, it's Groundhog's Day.

One of my favorite holidays. You don't have to do anything but check the weather. I don't know that we have them here but if we do, the groundhog didn't see his shadow here today. It was deadly dark when I woke up and it was gray and wet all day. I'm looking for an early spring. It's cold here but it already feels like it's moderating again. When the full moon wanes, I think the winter will go with it.

I'm still way sleep deprived so I'm off to bed but I have tomorrow off so I'll be back, but not too early. I am so sleeping in. Hope you all had a cloudy morning as well and are looking forward to an early spring.


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