I often speak of my old home town so when I found this rather good gallery at the Union News, I thought immediately of you my dear readers who have never seen lovely downtown Northampton, MA. I've been to parties in every one of these buildings at one time or another in the 12 years I lived downtown, including the restaurant. I went to the private after hours bash there when Claudio opened the joint. He was young and still doing drugs then. Hell, we were all young and still doing drugs then. It was an outstanding party.
I see Claudio, having just bought out La Cazuela, is now opening his fifth restaurant. I don't think he throws after hours parties anymore. I don't go to after hours anymore. Hell, I'm lucky to make it to 11:00 in the rare event that I do go out. But sometimes, I kind of miss those nights. Some of the most delicious fun I've had in life has happened between 2:00am and dawn.
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