A Shameless Bleg for Votes
I've been nominated a few times for awards but I'm always a finalist - never a winner. Last One Speaks was in the running for a Koufax a couple of times and lost. Now my poliblog The Impolitic is up for Wizbang's Weblog Award and my ass is getting kicked by a guy who calls himself Bubblehead and a guy in Boston called mAss Backwards who might be faking being a conservative.
Now I have to tell you, I've engaged in coversation with some of my competitors and I rather like them. Bubblehead, who blogs at The Stupid Shall be Punished, in particular seems to be a very nice guy who was much too kind to me in his "impartial" voter's guide. Now I know some of you may hate my politics but how about helping an old girl out anyway with her dream of finally winning something for the first time in her life and voting for The Impolitic here. It would make my momma very proud.
And speaking of voting, a couple of the Rumblers are in the running for these awards as well, so as long as you're clicking, vote for Just dot Christina here and Jim of Parkway Rest Stop here (he's winning at the moment). Take a peek at the whole list here to see if any of your other favs are on the list.
Meanwhile, I've been making light of the competition but let me recover my manners here for a moment and thank Wizbang for the honor of being named a finalist. As Elisson reminds me, it's a pretty big deal to make the cut when it was winnowed down from 4,500 to 450 nominations in 45 categories.
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