Oh I Wish I Were An Oscar Mayer Wiener…
This is why I love the internets. I was offered 150 Kool Aid points yesterday, so I checked out the website to see what 150 points would get me. I wasn't much interested in the prizes but I was pretty impressed with the psychedelic array of fun and games for tiny people and decided to see what the other kidcentric sites had to offer in the way of product indoctrination.
The Juicy Juice site failed to impress and the Jello kid page was just bizarre, but it was at the Jello site that I found The WIENERMOBILIA™ Store and what a find just in time for the gift giving season.
If you have ever seen the WIENERMOBILE® Vehicle, or heard the timeless Wiener Jingle, then you know how exciting it is to see the 27ft long hot dog cruising through your town. Now you can bring home the excitement of the WIENERMOBILE. These pieces of Americana will bring smiles to every kid and kid at heart!Now I know that nothing excites me more than the prospect of a 27ft long hot dog cruising down my street, but those of us who are off the beaten path must make do with life-like replicas instead. So Ladies and Gentleman, I give you.......

THE WIENERWHISTLEForget the kazoos. Doesn't covering some of the holes of a full blown instrument in a special way sound more interesting than just humming? Sure sounds like a whole lot more fun than the empty box I used to play with as a kid. I think I'll order mine today.
To the untrained eye, it may look like any ordinary, run-of-the-mill, hot dog-shaped whistle. But, it's not just any whistle...it's the WIENERWHISTLE™ Toy! The WIENERWHISTLE™ is a full-blown musical instrument that plays a special tune in four notes. The WIENERWHISTLE™ has four holes, that's about twice as many as most whistles! There's one to blow into, one at the side, one at the far end, and one on the top. By covering some of the holes in a special way, you can play a bunch of different sounds like the Wiener Jingle©! (Restricted to children 3 and up.)
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