Clearly, I have to stop trying to make jokes cause nobody gets my humor but me. It appears I pissed off the Mullet Man with my
I am sorry I missed my chance to meet you all, but someday, when you least expect it, I'm going to show up and amuse the hell out of you rocketeers. I had this idea I might pretend to be a Homeland Security agent when I arrived, since no one but Elisson really knows what I look like, but considering the lead balloon reception my last joke got, maybe I'll just wear a name tag.
In the meantime, to make up for this little misunderstanding, I'm going to add Zonker to the Rumblers roll, which I should have done ages ago since he's such an integral member of the group, even though he only posts about once a month. Click on over would you, and tell him I might be a bad comedian, but I really am a fun kind of gal.
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