Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Poet's Walk

I don't know why exactly they call this the Poet's Walk but they're serious about it. They have a little station at the beginning of the trail with pencils and paper so you can write a poem while you're walking. I have to admit I passed on it. I need to keep my wits about me for spider and snake detection lest I end up in this little cemetary at the trailhead.

Still it was a lovely day for a walk and a beautiful trail. One mile they say, within the range of a hopelessly out of shape old girl like me, so I called John and talked him into escorting me. This was the only formal planting on the whole 275 acres of grounds. Most of it is just sweeping vistas of rolling grassy hills. It feels rather like walking around a golf course. If they didn't close the gates at night, it would be the perfect place to watch a meteor shower.

I was mainly interested in the walk because they said it ran along the local river which I hadn't really seen up close. There's little public access to it.

Although you can't really tell from the photo, it was surprising clear. Most of the water around here is not transparent. It was here, but the river bottoms make it look rusty under the best of circumstances.

Still it was a nice walk except for the healthier than thou joggers who kept passing us as I huffed and puffed my way up the hills. It's kind of embarrassing when you're passed by people who look ten years older than you who are so annoying fit.


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