Long time readers know I'm not much for holidays anymore and don't particularly like Thanksgiving. I don't like turkey and could care less about football. Besides, the whole "eat until you're sick" thing has always put me off when there are so many people around the world who will go hungry today. And then there's the irony of celebrating a holiday that was created out of the largess of Native Americans, whom our government screwed over a short time later.
Nonetheless, I am thankful that I will be having dinner with my family for the first time in many years, including the irrepressibly adorable tyke. I'm especially grateful that I don't have to cook anything. Considering the decline of my cooking skills, I'm sure my family is also grateful that I didn't insist on trying. I'll bring flowers instead.
I'm also thankful for everyone in the drug policy reform movement, from the big name NGOs to the foot soldiers who work their local neighborhoods in pursuit of the end of prohibition. I'm thankful for the bloggers who donate their time and their bandwidth to spreading the message and to my discussion lists without whom I'd have nothing to say. I'm thankful for the progress we've collectively made in bringing common sense to the masses.
And most of all dear readers, I'm thankful for your support and your commentary and your tips. Without you I'd be talking to myself, and since I'm not rich - people might think I'm crazy. Happy holiday to those who celebrate and to those who don't, it's still a good day to remember what you're thankful for. Wishing you all peace, happiness and a better world.
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