Friday, June 03, 2005

CT Gov Rell wrong on reform

Wow am I out of touch. I guess I realized that they would need a new governor when the last one was indicted but I didn't even notice when Gov. M. Jodi Rell stepped up to the plate. She strikes out on her first chance to make sensible drug policy. She vetoed a bill that would equalize the penalties between crack and powder cocaine.
Rell, a Republican, said the bill "sends an inappropriate message that the enforcement of our drug laws, especially with respect to crack cocaine, is being eased."
That would be the appropriate message actually, because the current laws are completely out of whack with reality.

She acknowledges the inherent racism in the present sentencing structure but will only sign legislation raising the threshold for mandatory sentencing on crack if she can lower the threshold on powder. She would accept 14 grams of anything, (as opposed to the current 28), as a one way ticket into the prison industrial complex. As if that's less racist. It still targets the same demographic group and would punish more of the lowest level dealers.

She's going through the motions though, asking for studies and recommendations from various commissions. Translate that to - a lot of talk but no appreciable action.


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