Our pal and hero, Loretta Nall has been tearing up the tarmac on behalf of drug policy reform, as usual. Her blog is chock full of the customary horrifying drug war stories we've come to expect from the war and from her site, but she has an especially compelling personal account of an encounter with the Alabama Parole Board on behalf of her brother that you shouldn't miss. It makes for a sad and telling illustration of what ails our "Department of Corrections" agencies. A brief excerpt.
One would think that work release would be designed to help a person learn a job skill for when they are released. After all, we want to do everything we can to help them not return to prison.Really, you should read the whole post. Nobody speaks truth to power like that girl does.
We want to keep them away from the things that landed them in prison, not place them directly in the line of temptation when we are supposed to be "correcting" them and punishing them.
...But for some reason they placed my alcohol-addicted brother in a work release program where his job was to load 18-wheelers with cases of Budweiser.
While you're at the blog, check out her links to the Loretta Nall Show at PotTV where she updates you on her latest exploits and has some great video of Montel Williams' remarks at the press conference in DC for medical marijuana.
Also, if you have some spare cash lying around and you're looking for that perfect gift for yourself or your loved ones, visit the Nall for Governor store. And of course, if you happen to be an Alabama voter, be sure to cast your ballot for Loretta Nall, Libertarian candidate for governor.
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