Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Flora and fauna

It's been a long day. I didn't get home until it was almost dark but there was just enough light to determine my little garden is happy and thriving. I was worried about the pinks. I ripped the roots pretty drastically to get them separated but everyone was standing up and looking happy enough. The tomato almost looked like it grew an inch.

Meanwhile, four more days to the beach. The bad news is I didn't take the fancy oceanfront condo after all. It turned out the wifi was not necessarily working so I'm going to take the smaller oceanview down the road. Only one deck and no gas fireplace but it has working Roadrunner and since I waited until the last minute, they dropped the price and it's ridiculously cheap.

On the bird front, what I believe to be a mockingbird has sort of befriended me in the family hood. It followed me along the side of the road, from tree to the tree, the other day. It was almost like being followed into the woods by a cat. Today he buzzed out low from the brush, flew straight at me and then veered when he was about six feet away and landed on low branch on the other side of the road. He had caught a bug. He was so casual it almost looked like he was flying in slow motion.


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