Monday, April 18, 2005

Weedman wins

I'm feeling better today and so is the New Jersey Weedman, Ed Forchion who is still winning the battle against the state of New Jersey over his DNA sample. When he first received the order to give up the swab he wrote to the Governor and the AG telling them if they wanted his DNA they would have to kiss his ass and retrieve the DNA from their lips. The state has been pursuing Weedman ever since, looking for an alternate method of obtaining the sample but the state appellate court shot down the AG's complaint, ruling Weedman was not in contempt and technically was never issued a clear judicial order to give up the sample.

A frequent candidate for office, a Rastafarian by faith and a pro-legalization marijuana activist, the Weedman said he was elated when he got the news Saturday. Don't expect him to be resting on his laurels though. Knowing Ed, it's only a matter of time before he's hauled into court again for challenging the inequities in this war on some drugs


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