Thursday, January 27, 2005

Grandma Eats Cannabis

Patricia Tabram, age 66, of the UK discovered cannabis by accident. Suffering from depression, whiplash in her neck and back pain, she had noticed a marked improvement in her condition after unknowingly consuming cannabis as a friend's home. When told she could cook with the plant, Patricia being a former chef, started making biscuits, soups and casseroles with cannabis for her family and friends.

She's been raided twice, netting 31 plants and recently appeared in court where she pled guilty to possession with intent. She seems to be taking it all in stride.

She said: "When the police came to my door I invited them in. I told them to look in the loft and I offered them some tea and biscuits."

She's also written a book and is looking for a publisher.

(Thanks to Paul von Hartmann for the link. As he points out, folk remedies using various herbs have been utilized by grandmothers from the beginning of time. Patricia is clearly not a drug dealer but under the rules of prohibition she is still treated as such.)


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