Wednesday, May 05, 2004
Hey Doc -- that would be use, not abuse

Where do they get this BS? The AP is reporting that marijuana abuse or dependence is rising among baby boomers and young black and Hispanic people.

Dr. Wilson Compton , mouthpiece of the mainly prohibition pushing National Institute on Drug Abuse attributes the rise in alleged dependence at least partly to increases in the potency of pot over the past decade. I would like to know where he went to medical school.

There is no such thing as marijuana dependence. There are certainly irresponsible consumers that let it interfere with their lives, however the majority of consumers do so responsibly regardless of frequency of use.

Consuming habitually is not the same as addiction. Almost everyone I know consumes coffee habitually, I do it myself. I drink a half of cup of pretty weak brown stuff every morning yet I know people who drink eight cups of real stuff every day. Would you call either of us addicts and which of us would you call an abuser of caffeine?

Not to mention that the only reason they are showing a rise in boomer's consumption is that more of us are coming out of the closet every day. We're tired of being called criminals and we will not accept being labeled as addicts either.


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