Thursday, April 15, 2004
The Drug Czar Misinformation Tour

John Walters is a busy guy these days. He's now in Florida lecturing Hispanic parents about the evils of that Canadian cannabis.

Recent government studies have shown that Hispanic youth are trying drugs in greater numbers than other ethnic groups but then again Hispanics are also the faster growing demographic in the country.

``Canada is exporting to us the crack of marijuana, and it is a dangerous problem,'' Walters said.

He goes on to say it is important to focus on marijuana because of its accessibility and the growing numbers of youths who are being treated for problems stemming from its use.

Let me remind you before I leave that number one, the only reason the number of youths going into therapy for alleged marijuana "addiction" is that juvenile offenders opt for treatment rather than jail. They have to say they are addicted. We addressed the misleading statistics coming from emergency rooms yesterday and again Canadian cannabis comprises 1.5 percent of the marijuana seized by federal agents.

Here's the money line:

Some factors that contribute to the rising numbers include a higher poverty rate and less education, as statistics show that more than two in five Hispanics who are 25 or older have not graduated from high school.

Cause and effect here folks. They are arrested and incarcerated for minor possession charges at a greater rate than white middle class kids and then are prevented from obtaining an education and/or decent employment on account of their criminal records.

Legalization would keep the drugs off the street and give these kids a better chance to avoid the pitfalls of drug abuse.


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