Monday, April 12, 2004
Do The Math

The April issue of Econ Journal Watch reports that the majority of economists believe that current drug prohibition strategies are an expensive failure and favor drug policy reform.

In 1995 only 58% concurred, but that has reportedly grown to a broad consensus with most economists agreeing that the current policies do not work and should be changed in the direction of some form of legalization. There is disagreement about the degree of change but all agree the War on Drugs is simply not a cost effective program.

In fact, NORML News reports:

A 2001 economic analysis of American drug policy by the National Resource Council determined that America spends twice as much money annually to combat illegal drugs as it spent fighting the Persian Gulf War, yet there is no evidence indicating that existing policies are either working or cost-effective. "It is unconscionable for this country to continue to carry out a public policy of this magnitude and cost without any way of knowing whether, and to what extent, it is having the desired result," the study's author concluded.

Of course there have been studies done that prove the War on Drugs is a failure but our government's answer to that is to suppress the results and order a new study done by a "friendlier" company that will deliver the numbers they seek.


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