Wednesday, April 14, 2004
In a Whirl

I've been crazy busy for the last 24 hours and I'm in a rage about an unpleasant encounter I just had with MCI. I'll be posting on that after I've contacted the AG and the Secretary of State and then I'm dumping that bullshit company as my phone carrier.

I was already cranky after days on end of rain and cold. Won't see the sun today either but at least it's warmer. I had my winter coat back out twice in the last week already. The bulbs don't seem to mind either way though and the crocus and rapidly budding daffodils are helping dispel the gloom.

Meanwhile the question of the moment is: Who was that attractive young man escorting Louise Driscoll around town? I stopped by their table to say hi but only got his name, Jason. I think it was a date since Louise looked so gorgeous in that blue tank top but neither one of them were saying. Can't wait to get the details but Louise is lying low. Could this a relationship brewing?

Meanwhile, I'll be going out of town tomorrow for a few days so posting will be lighter than usual but I expect to be able to check in occassionally. While I'm gone you can get the news that matters at Drug War Rant . In fact there's important news breaking on Afghanistan right now and as always when I'm over my head, Pete leaps into the breach and brings you the story.

Check out today's post. It's a long but comprehensive look at how the US supported the Taliban with millions of your tax dollars right up until mere days before 9/11, for allegedly eliminating opium poppy cultivation. The trouble with that is although they stopped cultivation, they were stockpiling opium to raise the price and not only refused to give up Osama bin Laden and the Al Qaida but were in fact supporting him and are now reaping the benefits of the hoarded dope.

Oh, and for those of you who have been following the saga of my smoking cessation, it's now six and half weeks without a cigarette. Although I may never feel really free of the desire, I think I can declare this a victory.


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