Wednesday, March 03, 2004


Night two, and it's been hellish. I expect tomorrow will be as bad. I've been here before and I have to say that Paul is right about one thing - it is easy to quit. As the joke goes I have done it many times. What's difficult is not starting again. I'm finding I miss the cigs at the computer the most and it leaves me unable to sit long here.

This addiction is so odd, the drugs can contain the physical cravings pretty well, but the absence of the routine radiates through my body with a psychic pain that no replacement seems to ease. I've had worse withdrawals but I'm still basically good for nothing at the moment. It's like I'm floating in a different dimension without the routine of the cigs with which to measure the time.

Nonetheless there has been one rather funny benefit to this discomfiture. I've been complusive about not being able to leave the house without checking for burning items ever since I left town for the weekend with the iron on, in 1970. Now that my ashtrays are empty, I may at least finally be able to break that phobia.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to sleep my way through the worst of the cravings so although I have breaking news to share in the inbox, I think the posting will be light for the next couple of days while I get through this part of the process.

Thanks to everyone who sent advice and good wishes.


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