My Marigolds

Week two. They seem to getting over the transplant shock. Hoping they start really growing by next week.
Other stray thoughts. It takes exactly 33 minutes to go a leisurely stroll to the convenience store for the Sunday paper and back. I could do it in 20 or even a little less, but you would have to be crazy to powerwalk in this heat. Even at 10:00am, the sun was already hot. But the early mornings are very cool here. A couple of days ago it was 99 degrees in the sun at 7:00pm. The next moring it was 68 at 7:00am. Haven't turned on the AC yet because it's only hot in the house for a couple of hours in late afternoon to the early evening. Once the sun goes down, it chills down quick. I suppose I won't like that so much in the winter but it's great for now.
Update on the dogsh*t problem. Isn't a problem anymore, at least not so far. He was definitely bringing the dog to the tree in the front of the house for at least a couple of days. I could smell it when I walked by on my way out to the store. And the dog is a sweetie really. He seems to have gotten the message that under the tree is the place to go. I saw him taking a dump under the beech tree yesterday. That's okay with me. Can't see it or smell it from my side of the porch.
Meanwhile, the baby wrens that live in the nest they built in the neighbor's awning have started to fly. They're very cute and being babies, aren't at all afraid of me. They sit on the step on look at me once in while and don't fly off if I talk to them. It's fun to watch them learn how to get around. They're smart too. One of them was trying to get to the roof and figured out he could hop up the ladder that sits outside my neighbor's door. He hopped up one step at a time. I'd love to get a photo, but of course, if I take the camera out, they don't come around. They only do the cute stuff when I don't have it with me.
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