Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Living with less

I love the heels of bread if they're from a fresh loaf from the bakery. Like three seed bread from Bakery Normand. A loaf of store bought sliced bread, not so much. I used to throw out those heels for the birds but in my present condition, that felt too wasteful. Not that I actually wanted to use them for a sandwich. Then I remembered how to make homemade breadcrumbs.

You just let those puppies dry out and then roll over them between a couple of sheets of saran wrap. Throw whatever spices you like into the mix; I use Italian spices and garlic powder and -- instant bread crumbs. You can use that to perk up a lot of stuff.

I don't have a rolling pin any more. Back in Noho I used an empty ceramic wine bottle but I left that behind when I moved here. I've discovered that a hefty pint glass works as well. Just in case you were wondering.


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