Saturday, October 21, 2006

I heart Tits and other quick bytes

Well it's colder than the proverbial witch's tit around here today in the northern south. I know it's going to stay cold because the stupid ants are back. They disappear the rest of the year but come the cold weather and the little buggers move in. Who knows what the hell they eat since there's never any food in my kitchen but they love hanging out in the sink. This year I'm prepared though. Screw the natural remedies. Not one of them has worked so far. I got myself a gallon of poison. Now all I got to do is work up the nerve to use it. I'm so klutzy, I'll probably end up poisoning myself.

On a brighter note, Tits McGee left me the best present at her place. This is what I miss about living in New England. That and I never had ants in my kitchen when I lived up north. And while you're over there, check out what she got for her birthday. I should be so celebrated.

Moving on, I got this by email from my old boss JZ Souweine but it came as an attachment and I don't have a clue about how to upload audio. However providence has smiled upon us. I was cruising the party posts about the Hysterics at Eric's and the obviously brilliant Sissy has an embedded version. Tequila is good medicine. Gotta watch out for the side effects though.

And just in case you missed this one at Lisa's place, I just loved this video. Who doesn't love free hugs?


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