Friday, October 20, 2006

At the Fair

I've been to a lot of fairs in my lifetime and it wasn't like any other one I've seen. It was like a fair sprinkled into a really giant carnival. It still had its fair like qualities. There were some permanent buildings along the periphery that housed the traditional agricultural elements, but they were widely scattered and you had to walk through miles of midways to get to them.

The exhibit halls we made it to were mostly kind of sad. They were small and sparsely furnished with few entries. The crafts hall was mostly vendors but the flower exhibits were nice. This was my favorite of the outdoor entries. Love the plantings and the symbolism on this one.

There were hundreds of food booths, mostly featuring 25 varities of deep fried food. Woody's definitely gets the prize for best sign and most exotic menu.

There were a surprising number of freak shows. Old Fat Albert wasn't doing any trade. Not that surprising. Why pay money when you can see people who look like that at the grocery store here on any day of the week.

I would have sprung to see the fish girl but I had just turned down a heartfelt offer for a Jesus tattoo and I thought it would be bad form to visit the devil's spawn so soon after.


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