Tuesday, September 26, 2006

This is your ass on drugs

I'm late in posting this but the ONDCP has a new bunch of ads and I hear they uploaded them to YouTube where they remain some of the lowest ranks videos on the sites. The parodies however are doing quite well. Thanks to JackL for this one, which features a little plug at the end for our pal Pete at Drug WarRant.

Seth Stevenson writing for Slate, gives the ads a pretty good review as being more realistic about marijuana use than they have been in the past and also gives Pete and the Dare Generation a nice link.
Quick question, though, in light of this new marijuana glasnost: Will the ONDCP now retract its previous claims that pot is a dangerous gateway drug? And, logical next question (as others have noted): If smoking pot is the safest thing in the world, does not lead to the use of harder drugs, and, worst case, causes you to veg out on a couch for several hours, why is it a criminal offense? I eagerly await the ads addressing this conundrum.
I doubt Walters will ever order a video to address that but it seems a ripe topic for the YouTubers to take on. I wish I was more technosmart. I'd make one myself.


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