Thursday, October 27, 2005

Kossacks on pot

It's good to hear from Ben Masel, who checks in from a Kos watch. When I was posting there a couple of years ago, that crowd wasn't very receptive to drug policy reform. It's good to see their views tempered. I have a feeling thehim had something to do with it, as he posts some excellent drug war roundups there, but here's two more from other Kossacks. They both have polls at the end.

Marijuana can prevent lung cancer. Poll here to legalize marijuana leading by 92%.

Of course there are always naysayers. This poster just knows it's bad for you, being a credentialled pundit I guess. His snarky poll is also carried by the pro-pot vote. 87% said it should not remain illegal for a number of reasons.

Considering how many thousands of people read Kos, snaring under 800 voters on the poll isn't exactly a turning point, but still it's sign of progress. I'm glad to see the interest growing.


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