Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Yet more Raich reaction

Unbelievably, he somehow missed linking to me, but The Agitator has more posts up on the aftermath of the case. Don't miss this one in particular.

Jed at Freedom Sight did kindly link to our coverage and posts some thoughts and a roundup of links I missed.

In the major press, USA Today has four articles and a great editorial.
Court: Let Congress legalize it.
Patients who use marijuana fear worst if forced to stop. Our friend Erin is quoted in that one.
Pot studies difficult to organize, analyze.
What the justices wrote.
Court's ruling on marijuana reeks of ‘reefer madness'.
And the WaPo has this, A Defeat For Users Of Medical Marijuana.

Warm up your keyboards for some hot LTEs here. Walters' quote in this article is begging to be refuted.
"Today's decision marks the end of medical marijuana as a political issue," said John P. Walters, President Bush's director of national drug control policy. "Our nation has the highest standards and most sophisticated institutions in the world for determining the safety and effectiveness of medication. Our national medical system relies on proven scientific research, not popular opinion."
You gotta love a guy who can say that with a straight face. Particularly since he's complicit in the DEAs war on pain management doctors as well. Not only do these prohibitionists want to deny chronically ill patients an herb, they don't want them to be able to get prescription meds either. So what's a sick person supposed to do?

[links via Media Awareness Project]


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