Monday, June 06, 2005

Raich reaction

Just getting around to checking the blogosphere and finding all kinds of surprises. Pete from Drug WarRant is on an airplane on his way to his annual NYC Broadway trip and hasn't posted on thing on Raich yet. Expect him to deliver some cogent analysis in the wee hours. Loretta is on the road. Scott at Grits for Breakfast is on a camping trip and hasn't posted either.

On a much sadder note, Jim at Vice Squad announces a semi-permanent hiatus from blogging starting today. The Vice Squad will stay up but posting seems likely to diminish to near nothing. In what could be almost his last words on the blog, he posts Supremes Happy to Add to the Misery of Deathly-Ill People.... Bye Jim, we'll be missing you.

Talk Left has several posts up. Just keep scrolling.

Radley Balko finds Thomas, "the most principled and consistent defender of federalism on the court." Don't miss this post either and he has a bunch of other posts as well. You might as well start from the top and keep scrolling.

Penny Wit cuts to the chase on the legal lingo in a couple of posts.

And Power and Control's M. Simon serves up an astute parsing of the decision in his no-nonsense style.

Finally, for those who can't get enough legal lingo, the lawyers seem to have assembled at the Scotus Blog to dissect the finer legal points of the decision.


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