Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Prohibition causes more harm than the use of drugs

Even though I spend hours reading every day there's simply no way to catch everything. Thus this excellent piece posted last week, comes to me via reader Ben Harris who found it at Drug War Rant. Worth reading in full, A Letter to My Friend Who Supports the Drug War.

And while we're thinking of Pete, he's still in New York but posts his own action alert with some excellent resources to help you get involved.

Pete points out Radley's challenge that I failed to highlight in the flurry of press links and it bears repeating.
Consider this a challenge. If you blogged about Raich today, give us at least three posts a week for the next three months aimed at making Hinchey-Rohrabacher and the Truth in Trials Act law. Let's find out what Congressmen are standing in either bill's way. Let's shame them. Let's pursuade those on the fence to come down off of it. If you lean Republican, and your Congressman is a GOPer who has voted against bills like these, explain their hypocrisy to them. Ask them what happened to federalism, the Tenth Amendment, and the right of states to set their own rules and policies when it comes to medical treatment.
I'll take the pledge as well.


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