Sunday, June 19, 2005

Don't they have something better to do?

Lawmakers around the country are going bonkers over this new hemp flavored lollipop. It's perfectly legal, it doesn't get you high and frankly it doesn't sound like it would necessarily even taste that good. In fact, if these leglislators didn't make such a big deal about it, most kids probably wouldn't even notice they were on the shelf and would opt out for the Sweet Tarts instead.

Instead, the "Hysterics" are madly trying to figure out how to get them off the shelves. Of course, it can't really be done since they're a legal product. However, there has been some success in getting convenience stores to drop the pops via political pressure - no doubt setting up a black market for the sweets among the tots who want to know what all the fuss is about. As has been the case for time immemorial, if grown-ups don't want you to have it, you definitely want to get some. This apparently hasn't occurred to these "grown-ups."
The City Council in Douglasville recently passed a resolution voicing its opposition to the candies. "This is nowhere near something we want for our kids," said Mayor pro-tem Henry Mitchell III, who sponsored the resolution after hearing complaints from constituents.
So duh, dare I suggest they don't buy any for their kid and leave the product to succeed or fail on its market demand. Meanwhile, perhaps the City Council could spend their time on the taxpayer's dime taking up issues of more importance to the community.


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