Friday, June 17, 2005

The persecution begins

I blogged about Pierre Werner of Las Vegas here many weeks ago. Pierre is a licensed medical marijuana patient for a bi-polar disorder. As would be normal for someone in his condition, he set up an elaborate and productive system to grow his own medicine and to provide for other patients. He's been operating in the open for a very long time and has received significant press. He was also trying to get a license to open a medical marijuana cafe.

Interesting timing that suddenly, only days after Raich was decided, that he would be busted and touted as a huge drug dealer.

Ten pounds of processed pot and 121 plants - no saying what stage of growth they were in, is not a major interstate dealer. Here is a guy who can provide maybe a dozen other people with enough cannabis to get medical relief.

This was a local bust, not federal, but it's clear the cops are pissed about the public acceptance of cannabis use and have been emboldened by the Supreme Court decision to harass non-violent sick people who use the herb for relief, not fun.
I mean really, wouldn't you think there are worse crimes going on in Vegas than smoking a joint?

But wait, did I say it wasn't federal? On further investigation, it appears the DEA is behind the bust. Unsurprising.


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