I almost forgot to post links to my other "hometown" newspaper, the Detroit News who put up some amazing coverage. Their editorial on the decision, Medical pot ruling tramples states' rights - justices reinforce government's misguided war on marijuana, was right on the money.
Principle and compassion went out the door in the Supreme Court ruling that the federal government has the right to ignore state law governing medical marijuana use.And that was just the beginning. They also posted excerpts from other sources, along with a fabulous photo of Angel with some juicy buds. Then they followed up with this stellar editorial about the war on some drugs by editorial page editor Nolan Finley, End marijuana hypocrisy to save nation billions. I can't even pick a favorite quote.
...In doing so, the court sanctions the irrational fervor with which the federal government is pressing its campaign against marijuana, even absent compelling evidence that the harm from pot is any worse than that caused by alcohol or tobacco.
At the same time, the justices reinforce that the drug war is a compelling reason for the federal government to intrude on areas of the law that are constitutionally reserved for the states.
...Still, taxpayers spend nearly $8 billion annually to combat marijuana. And now the Supreme Court has stretched the Constitution to its limits to allow the federal government to thwart the will of the states regarding medical marijuana use.
The justices, with this ruling, risk denying suffering Americans relief and open the door to unlimited federal intrusion on state matters.
Faced with two bad choices, I'd druther kids celebrate their 21st birthdays with a bag of pot than by pouring 21 shots of cheap liquor down their gullets.You'll have to pick your own. I'll have to send him a thank you note for this one.
...Marijuana has its own set of negatives, but it is rarely directly connected to a teen death.
And yet we treat marijuana as public enemy No. 1 when it comes to children. At the same time, we welcome a stream of beer commercials into our homes and don't blink when liquor companies sponsor spring break blowouts.
...We should save our money. Teen pot use is as cyclical as the auto industry. Some decades it goes up, some it goes down, with no correlation to spending on anti-drug programs.
...Despite spending $35 billion a year to battle illegal narcotics, drug use here is about the same as in the European countries with more liberal drug laws. But still we fight on...
..The ruling fits the national ideology that in the name of the drug war, the Constitution can be tossed on the garbage heap.
...The war against pot is lost.
Surrendering isn't a defeat. It simply ends our national hypocrisy and leaves more money for more pressing battles.
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