I know my Dad reads this blog and since I didn't manage to get the card I bought three weeks ago into the mail - and it was a good one Daddy - let me wish the best man in my life a very happy day. Sorry I can't be there, but I'm with you in spirit every day and your influence colors everything I do in my adult life.
You taught me to pay attention to what's going on around me, to stand up for what I believe in, to be kind to strangers, to give what I can to those less fortunate and to enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Most importantly, you gave me unconditional love and an acceptance without judgment of my choices, even when they weren't so well-conceived. I believed I could do anything because you believed in me.
Even today as a grown woman, I still often feel like Daddy's little girl and find comfort in knowing you will always be there for me. And even though I'm now the taller one, I will always look up to you and be proud to say - Hey, that's my Dad.
I love you Daddy. You are and always have been, the best.
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