Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Empire State hears the reformers call

Nicky Eyle of ReconsiDer checks in with an update to this post about the first hearings in the country, held by a municipal government of their own accord, related to the failures of the War on Some Drugs.

The speaker's list was impressive.

Jack Cole, a retired New Jersey State Police lieutenant and undercover narcotics investigator and an international expert on drug policy.

Jeffrey Miron, a Boston University economist and author of a new book on the cost drug prohibition has had to state governments. He has served on the National Bureau of Economic Research and the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Drug Use and the Workplace.

Roger Goodman, director of the King County Bar Association in Seattle and the leader of a partnership of professional and community organizations that is examining alternatives to current drug policies.

Canadian Sen. Pierre Claude Nolin, of the Canadian Senate's committee on illegal drugs. Nolin recently completed a study of illegal drug markets and made recommendations to change Canadian drug policies.

I can't think of better spokespeople for reform. That the city of Syracuse would entertain their comments, on top of the David Soares upset victory in the DAs race in Albany, is very good sign for our cause - especially in New York.


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